Global Water Crisis: Why Michael Burry (Scion Capital) is Investing in Blue Gold

Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment: LifeQuest World Corp. (OTC:LQWC)

Imagine a World Where Water is the New Gold...

Sewage and waste are causes of water pollution that leads to disease but another huge factor is limited fresh water on earth. While it’s easy to think of the earth as having a plentiful supply of water – after all 71% of the earth is covered in water – the reality is fresh water makes up only 0.76% of all water

"Fresh, clean water cannot be taken for granted. And it is not — water is political, and litigious” – Michael Burry

Global Water Crisis: Why Michael Burry (Scion Capital) is Investing in Blue Gold

Patrick Bet-David discusses the looming global water crisis, how freshwater is distributed between domestic, industrial, and agricultural use, and why water supply is a serious issue.PBD also reviews what technology could be used to fix freshwater scarcity and water rights. PBD also unveils how American "Big Short" investor Michael Burry is focused on investing in water as a commodity "blue gold.”



LifeQuest World Corp (OTC: LQWC) is a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions, specializing in the design, construction, and operation of onsite wastewater treatment plants. Our suite of offerings includes effluent treatment plants (ETP), sewage treatment plants (STP), fat oil and grease (FOG) separator and hybrid media for water polishing. Our flagship product, BioPipe is a 100% sludge-free, chemical-free, odor-free, silent, easy to assemble and install, scalable, low cost, ecological and low maintenance onsite sewage wastewater treatment system.
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