Biopipe is the world's first biological wastewater treatment system where the process takes place entirely inside a series of pipes.

Biopipe is protected by patents and proprietary processes. Since its introduction, it has been very well received and widely acknowledged. Years of research and development has produced one of the most sustainable, eco-friendly and cost effective wastewater treatment solutions in the world.

Biopipe can be used in detached houses, commercial and multi-family buildings, hotels, hospitals, industrial complexes, campgrounds and parks.

With its small footprint and scalability, Biopipe can be installed wherever wastewater is generated, regardless of size and capacity.

Visit us at: https://www.biopipe.co/



It's the result of years of research that has now developed into one of the most sustainable, eco-friendly and cost effective wastewater treatment solutions in the world.


Unlike other traditional wastewater systems Biopipe produce NO SLUDGE, NO ODOUR, NO SOUND AND NO WASTE

Biopipe brings energy consumption to a minimum as it can store wastewater in a horizontal position which better distributes water pressure and require less energy as compared to other systems, which can only use vertical pipes.

1) A sewage water tank is used to store the inorganic waste and wastewater (gray and black water).

2) Circulation pump separate the organic materials and to propel water into Biopipe.

3) Biopipe bacteria engages with pollutants and eliminates them from wastewater. Air is automatically vacuumed by the pressure difference in order to allow aerobic bacteria to further treat the wastewater.

4)Wastewater then passes through a cartridge filter or equivalent and a UV filter to complete the treatment. The treated water can then be used directly or stored in a clean water tank.


It's the result of years of research that has now developed into one of the most sustainable, eco-friendly and cost effective wastewater treatment solutions in the world.

  • No Sludge Production
  • Odorless
  • Virtually Silent
  • Low Footprint
  • Low Energy Consumption
  • Flexible and Modular Design
  • Low O&M Cost
  • Automated/Remotely Monitored



  • Unlike other traditional wastewater systems Biopipe produces NO SLUDGE, NO ODOUR, NO SOUND AND NO WASTE.
  • NO CHEMICALS are required to operate the Biopipe biological wastewater treatment system.


  • Biopipe can treat wastewater generated by a single house of two people to a small city - just as efficiently.
  • Unlike other systems, which require a starting operational capacity of 80%, Biopipe can operate at only 10% capacity
  • Biopipe is a simple Lego-like modular construction. The size of the modules is based on the requirements of each project and can be assembled contiguously or consecutively in a short time span.
  • The system is compact, easy to transport, install and operate.


  • Biopipe is fully automated and can be remotely monitored and controlled.


  • Biopipe brings energy consumption to a minimum because it stores wastewater in a horizontal position that better distributes water pressure and requires less energy when compared to other systems which use vertical tanks.
  • No blowers involved for air intake, which reduces energy consumption.
  • Unlike other wastewater treatment systems, Biopipe only uses specially made PVC pipes and is not made of different hardware and materials, which result in higher costs.
  • Biopipe doesn't need a lot of space and can be easily installed in a basement, on an elevated structure or on a rooftop which saves the cost of land/real estate.


  • Biopipe will operate efficiently for the life of the plant with proper maintenance


BOD < 10 8 mg / lt 97%
COD < 30 25 mg / lt 95%
TSS < 10 5 mg / lt 99%
pH 6-9 6-9


Biopipe is a self-contained system that has been designed to not only to meet the strictest discharge standard, but also to produce exceptionally high quality effluent.

Our two module design reduces Total nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus( TP), Biological oxygen demand (BOD), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total suspended solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Colony forming units (CFU) to levels that allow the treated water to be used for many purposes.

  • Gardening & Landscape Irrigation
  • Toilet Flushing
  • Organic Irrigation
  • Cooling Towers
  • For Construction Activity
  • Cleaning / Non potable use
  • Fire Sprinklers
  • Car Wash


Secretariat Residential Complex

Project Size

Project Location
Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Biopipe system is placed in the basement and the system treats black water efficiently.

100 m3/day Biopipe sewage treatment system is placed in the basement of residential complex. This project is being maintained by the public works department of Bangladesh. This system only treats the black water and the treated water results meet all government effluent discharge standards.

Uttara Affordable Housing

Project Size

Project Location
Uttara, Bangladesh

The Biopipe system is placed on the top of the wastewater collection tank

Uttara Housing Complex is situated in Uttara; near Dhaka. The residential complex consists of 450 households and the wastewater generated is being treated with Biopipe System of 300m3/day capacity. The Biopipe System is constructed on the top of the wastewater collectiontank for better use of space. The treated water is used for toilet flushing in the same residential complex.

Sharjah, Municipality

Project Size

Project Location
Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah Municipality is one of the oldest municipalities in UAE. It is well known for civilized and well developed land. Biopipe System of capacity 70 cubic meter is installed at a head quarters of Sharjah Municipality. The treated water is reused for the application like gardening, toilet flushing and car wash.

Dubai Electricity and water authority

Project Size
20 KLD

Project Location
Dubai, UAE

The Biopipe system was used a catalyst to get LEED platinum rating

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) is a public service infrastructure company is UAE. Building of DEWA isthe smartest net Zero Energy Building in the world. DEWA’s new headquarters building was aiming to receive LEED platinum rating and Biopipe was the perfect solution for treating black and grey wastewater allowing the effluent to be used again for irrigation and to get LEED certification for using eco friendly and efficient waste water treatment system.

Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia

Project Size
20 KLD

Project Location
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Biopipe system as a containerized solution

Saudi Aramco is a Saudi Arabian multinational petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.Biopipe has provided a containerized solution for treating wastewater at Amraco’s Headquarter. Biopipe system of 20 m3/day is placed inside the container and it is portable system.

Ankara Municipality

Project Size
30 KLD

Project Location
Ankara, Turkey.

The Biopipe System is placed on the Rooftop

Ankara is Turkey’s cosmopolitan capital, sits in the country’s central Anatolia region.The Biopipe system is installed on the rooftop of the municipality building. The system has the capacity of treating 30,000 liters of wastewater on daily basis, the treated waste water is used for landscape irrigation.

Narkoy Ecologic Hotel

Project Size
20m3/day – 100 person/day

Project Location
Kocaeli / TURKEY

Treatment of domestic wastewater in hotel

Narköy is the branch of Nar Education and Consultancy company, sustainable tourism center and organic farm. Narkoy is projected in Kandıra where is 2 hours distance to Istanbul. It is a concept project and composed of hotel, school ( workshops for companies) and a farm. Their one of the major problem is the lack of infrastructure and a excessive landspace area. Another main issue is to take more point of LEED certificate, treatment of black water is a 'must'. Biopipe's solution is treat all domestic wastewater and capability of using treated water in agriculture / farm part and help to get points.

Tarakli Thermal Hotel & Project

Project Size
350m3/day – 3500 person/day

Project Location
Sakarya / TURKEY

The Biopipe system of 350m3/day placed in the basement of Hotel to treat the wastewater generated.

Taraklı Thermal is establised under Askarya Investement Corp. On 2011 after two years feasibility. Taraklı Thermal is projected on 100000 m2 region and is composed of 60 blocks ( 1300 chamber ), 31200 chamber – otel room, 1900 person / capacity total conference hall, thermal pools and pools. In two years, hospital will be also merged. Their one of the major problem is the lack of infrastructure and a excessive landspace area. Treatment is a 'must' without any more operation and waste management cost. Biopipe's solution is treat all domestic wastewater and capability of using treated water in landspace and discharge it.

Hampton by Hilton - Zeytinburnu Istanbul

Project Size
10m3/day – 50 person/day

Project Location
Istanbul / TURKEY

Treatment of domestic wastewater in hotel

Hilton Worldwide is one of the well-known brand on tourism. With more than 550 locations in 6 continent, Hilton has provided high quality service to customers for over 90 years. Awareness of limited natural sources, preparing a sustainable reports, actions of reducing carbon, water and energy usage and admins it of all Hilton as a commitment are just a few examples of Hilton's point of view an environmental awareness. On Hilton / Zeytinburnu Project, their request was specially for LEED. But limited area for Biopipe and room number are challanges Of Biopipe.

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